Effective March 15, the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) disabled Paragon’s open house feature on so members would refrain from hosting open houses given COVID-19 concerns.
As a result, a few hundred members have cancelled their open houses since then and we thank you for your quick action. All other realtors are to follow suit and help the profession do its part to prevent the further spread of illness in our communities.
Currently realtors are encouraged to consider other approaches, such as virtual showings and other technology-based solutions. This change will be in effect until the government relaxes social-distancing requirements.
“Showing homes or holding strata meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic raises new risks for licensees. For example, what if you inadvertently expose a client or member of the public to the COVID-19 virus during an open house or showing and they sue you for damages? What if a strata manager arranges an AGM for a strata corporation and an attendee claims to have contracted the virus at the meeting, then sues the strata manager?”
We’ll continue to assess the COVID-19 situation and provide updates and resources to you as necessary. Presently, home owners are still selling and new listings are hitting the Vancouver Real Estate Market and buyers are taking advantage of the competitive interest rates. We don't know how long this activity will be sustained but as it stands, transactions are taking place and we hope it's all conducted in a safe manner. Thank you for doing your part to protect the public and each other.
Stay well.
-YVR Resale-
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